
How 2 Gossip

10/18/2011 19:25
How 2 Gossip On the Gossip feedback, all you have 2 do is write down the latest gossip you hear! Yea it's that easy! So come leave gossip you've been DYING to share! Edith:)


Guys suck

prettypopular | 11/01/2011

I was the most popular kid in elementry school and now the only guy I can get to like me is a kid who is gross

Re: Guys suck

2pretty4u | 11/24/2011

It may change over time. Now that we are in middle school people may not want to like you and its ok.


Lellowgirl | 10/24/2011

I herd that nobody has a date to the dance even popular people like Serousily no one or anything!!! But I have herd somepeople are going out but not to the dance! Who does that????

Re: Gossip!

Carrie | 12/17/2011

Me.. jk but it depends on the guy really. Most girls just like to say they have a boyfriend and just text about it. But it just turns out ugly.. Like when someone broke up with me over a text

small people

makaela | 10/22/2011

there is a family of seven dwarfs mom dad and 5 children it is very rare and unusual here is the link https://www.yahoo.com/_ylt=ArWxPOOaSZ9JH3hZJ3C6Q0ubvZx4;_ylc=X3oDMThkOGQxcmdrBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMTEwMjEgc2hpbmUgYW5kZXJzb24gY29vcGVyIGR3YXJmcyB0BGNwb3MDMjcEZANzdARnA2lkLTcxODMzOQRpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBGx0eHQDJiMzOTtXZXN0YW5kZm91cmZlZXR0YWxsJiMzOTsEcGtndAMxBHBrZ3YDMTQEcG9zAzMEc2VjA3RkLWZlYXQEc2xrA21vcmUEdGFyA2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuYW5kZXJzb25jb29wZXIuY29tLzIwMTEvMTAvMjEvaW5zaWRlLXRoZS1qb2huc3Rvbi1mYW1pbHktaG9tZS8EdGVzdAM3MDEEd29lAzEyNzY2MzY5/SIG=12ttdso1u/EXP=1319399375/**http%3A//www.andersoncooper.com/2011/10/21/inside-the-johnston-family-home/

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